HOSTKO® also offers SSD web hosting. The perfect package for web agencies, website developers and other online professionals who wish to provide web hosting to their clients. All Reseller hosting plans are powered by DELL PowerEdge Enterprise servers featuring SSD RAID-10 arrays, dual Intel XEON processors and 96+ GB RAM. Along with cPanel/WHM control panel this user-friendly platform makes for an enjoyable and fast experience.
Reasons Why Choose HOSTKO Web Hosting:
HOSTKO also offers SSD reseller web hosting. The perfect package for web agencies, website developers and other online professionals who wish to provide web hosting to their clients. All Reseller hosting plans are powered by HP Enterprise servers featuring SSD RAID-10 arrays, dual Intel XEON Gold & AMD EPYC processors and 96+ GB RAM. Along with cPanel/WHM control panel this user-friendly platform makes for an enjoyable and fast experience.