From its humble beginning in June 2002, Flexi e-Solutions Pty Ltd served the "Value Orientated" segment of the Internet market. Not by offering a sub-standard product at a low price, but by offering a top-quality, feature rich product at an incredible price.
Employees in Flexihostings are empowered to hunt for and implement changes, ask questions and make recommendations. Our mission is to offer low cost internet solutions to individuals and businesses without sacrificing service.
We keep our costs down whilst investing in great technology, fast support and customer service. With phone, fax, powerful control panel, real time online chat and fast email support we make web hosting easy. Don't be surprised if we contact you to see how you are going.
Our customer service departments are comprised of /real people/, our servers are monitored by /real people/ and we understand that our members are /real people,/ and our ultimate goal is to ensure that everyoneâs hosting experience is first rate from start to finish.
» cPanel Licenses
» Unmanaged Dedicated Servers
» Reseller Hosting
» Shared Hosting
» Unmanaged VPS
» Support Staffed 24x7
» English
Attn: Flexihostings 365 Little Collins Street Suite 504
Melbourne, Victoria